Cream of tomato soup with lovage

  •  1 kg of tomatoes
  • 2 medium potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 stems of lovage
  • 2 large onions
  • 1 sprig of thyme
  • 2 or 3 sprigs of parsley
  • 1 drizzle of olive oil
  • 2 sugar cubes
  • Salt, pepper
  • 2 spoonfuls of fresh cream
  1. In a pot, heat the olive oil. Add the chopped onions and sauté over low heat.
  2. Cut into pieces and add the tomatoes, carrot, potatoes, garlic, lovage and coarsely chopped parsley, then the thyme, salt, pepper and sugar.
  3. Simmer until all ingredients are cooked, remove thyme sprig and blend. Strain to remove tomato seeds if necessary.
  4. Just before serving, add the fresh cream.

Here is a tasty soup for a guaranteed success!